Signing Services & Real-Estate Tied Together

My Name is Victor Jones and I am a Loan signing notary agent in search of assignments through escrow agents, real-estate brokers loan signing services and general mobile notary calls.  I know mistakes and missed signatures causes delay in closings which timing is crucial as well as mistakes. Re-signs, or missed rate locks forms not filled out in which the clients have to fill out themselves is time consuming work that leads to the escrow agents filling out when the notary can make sure this is done to save time for everyone else. I know that  documents being sent back slowly also causes delays. I am not a picky person when it comes down to signing times. I’m am a extension of your professionalism and knowledge of the loan documents, I will make sure all forms are filled out completely and properly. I am knowledgeable about Statement of information, PCOR, Trust certification and top signature on 1003. Looking for prompt service done correct and on timeJones mobile notary will get the job done for you. Now with this being said,


Home Buyers-Home Sellers-Home Owners

      (Be Aware)

          Homeseekers are you looking to purchase a home but having credit issues at this time? Homeowners Are you having trouble selling your home? Homeseekers, can you find someone who can help you fixed up your credit at a great price? This mean boosting your Fico score and removing some items that may not need to be on your report so Mortgage companies can qualify you for a loan so you can go looking for your own home. And Homeowners that really don’t have the time to find a buyer for your home you are holding on to due to timing and work schedule, I have great referrals for both situations. I can get qualified experts in each field that have helped a few of my clients out and that is why I am referring them. On this page we recommend a few experts that specializes in each specific field so that there is no confusing who is taking care of who, I only refer one or two experts in each category. Yes, just a few experts in the fields of Loan Officers Credit CounselorsMortgage BrokersEscrow Agents and a Notary Signing Agents.

        This is the exact order it would go in getting you on your way to owning your own home. Do you know every time you pay your rent to the Landlord you are putting him in a better position to have extra money for his/her self even though you work hard to come up with this rent? Did you know if the house or apartment was yours it would be your money you are paying back and you can have money for yourself over a year or more because you can get a loan or refinance your home for money for yourself. Well that is what the Landlord is doing with the money you are paying him. Yes, they are using your money you pay his rent to get more money for themselves. I did not know that until somebody explained it to me so, why let someone make money off the sweat and back of your earning to better their life?

So this is how it works:

  1. The Loan Officer will run your Credit to see where you stand qualifying for a loan and tell what you will to fix on you credit report to get this qualification.
  2. The Credit Counselor will tell you his/her fee to help you fix what they see can be corrected after taking a look at the report from the Loan Officer.
  3. The Mortgage Agent will be contacted by the Loan Officer once the Credit Counselor has put you in a better position as far a qualifying for a loan purchase so you can now shop for your own home.
  4. The Escrow Agent will help you go through all of the necessary financial paperwork in telling you what you down payment will and other cost when it is time to buy your home.
  5. And last: The Notary Signing Agent will notarize all final paperwork to get you ready for the purchase of your new home something that you can call your own.

       You see, 5 step process which could take you from 6 months to a years time and with focus and discipline I am very sure you can get this done. Remember no is better than the other, if they can do it then you can to just think about what happens when you work hard at something, you get a little tired but at the end of the day you get it done and you don’t have to do it as hard the next time because of what you sacrifice the first time. Homeowners, let us together create a contractual buying/selling agreement and you can sit back while me and mine team put in the work searching for reasonable price coming as close as we can to your asking price so you can finally get this home project completed once and for all. We can do this!!! So, are you ready? Let’s get started by joining my FreeFacebook GroupToo Hard on You referral group.  Let me put you in line with the right people that will help you get to the next level, Join Up Now!!!!!!!!!  

#escrow-officers #loanofficers #Mortgageofficers #Titlereps #Mobilenotary # Signingagents #openweekends #newjerseynotarypublic #Holidays #Banks #attorneys #Hospitals #nursinghomes #refinance #notarized #stamp #nearme #opennow #realestatebroker #loansigningagent #affirmation #njnotary #refinance #Wills # POA #Affidavits #homes #schools # Workoffice.

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