May I Notarize A Document For One Of My Parents?

By NNA Staff on January 10, 2018


My father is going to apply for a handicap placard. Can I notarize his paperwork? — C.O., Pennsylvania

Updated 1-16-18. Pennsylvania prohibits notarizing for a spouse, but does not address the issue of notarizing for parents. While notarizing for a parent is not prohibited, as suggested in Article II-B-5 of The Notary Public Code Of Professional Responsibility the NNA recommends that you not notarize for a parent, sibling or other family members related by heredity or marriage because the financial affairs of family members are often intertwined. Such a notarization could be considered a conflict of interest. Thus, it is always the safest practice to avoid even the appearance of a financial or beneficial interest and not notarize documents for immediate family. 57 Pa.C.S. 304 states a Notary Public may not notarize in any transaction in which he or she or the Notary’s spouse has a financial interest.



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