Traveling Notary Agent Available
My name is Victor Jones Traveling notary, one of the top-rated notaries in Northern New jersey. I have completed over 500 assignments successfully. You can google my company for customer reviews. I am available 7 days a week. Feel free to give me a call or email me. I can be reached at or you can call: 862-203-0410. Jones Notary job entitles me to service providers generally working within the real estate field, brokers, banks, attorneys and doctors to provide witness and attestation to a range of documents. We travel to Nursing home, hospitals, Motor Vehicles agencies, courthouses, medical offices, as well as home residence. We notarize documents such as: Loan Documents, Trust, POA, Titles/Bill of Sales, Will & Testaments, Refinances & Mortgages, Acknowledgements, Divorce Paperwork Bank paperwork and Affidavits.
Please do not hesitate to give our team and call when you are in need of notary jobs done on your timeline. We come to you and our prices are reasonable. You will not be disappointed.
The mobile notary public travels to the borrower’s preferred location, and all documents can be reviewed and signed within the comfort of the borrower’s home or office. This way, the borrower’s day is disrupted only minimally, and the lender saves hourly wages and travel expenses that would have been required for an employee of the lender to come out and handle the closing.
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